Mets Ugly Sweaters

Best Mets Ugly Sweaters

The team needs no formal introduction from us! They have established a commendable place for themselves in some of the best baseball teams of all time. 

We know the fandom is very large for the Mets and if you’ve stumbled upon this article, chances are you two are a part of it. 

Well, what better way to cheer for your favourite team than by wearing ugly Mets sweaters? 

We did the work, now here are some of our best picks a Mets Ugly Sweater.

  1. Mets Meet Candy
  2. The Mets Dominate Every Block on Christmas
  3. A Mets Gal
  4. A Mets Man
  5. Another Mets Man
  6. Basically, Mets
  7.  Light it up on Homerun!

Buyer’s Guide:

While there aren’t many options available in the ugly sweater variety for the Mets, we have managed to find enough to give you all a reasonable pool to choose from. 

Hopefully you’ll find what you’re looking for!

What you need to know before buying:

We have only found ugly sweaters here in this compilation; there is much more merchandise you can look at all over the internet, there’s no shortage of it. 

Keep in mind, the sweaters for Mets are a bit scarce in variety.

Mets Ugly Sweaters For Christmas:

Why shouldn’t you get to show support for your favorite baseball team during the holiday season? 

Holidays are all about celebrating so you should feel confident in doing the same for your national sport.

Mets Meet Candy

It’s Merry Met-mas! This is the perfect sweater for embodying the joyous occasion of Christmas celebration along with letting all know you are a Mets person!

The Mets Dominate Every Block on Christmas

Hey, if you’re into the colorful and over decorated ugly sweaters, we got you! This ugly beauty not only showcases in bold letters the Mets logo and name, it also has pine cones and snowflakes; perfect for Christmas!

Mets Ugly Sweaters for Women:

We have not forgotten about the ladies who love baseball and the Mets to be more precise.

A Mets Gal

There should be no confusion to anyone that you’re a Mets kinda gal; this sweater conveys the message perfectly in the huge logo imprint and the brand colors!

Mets Ugly Sweaters for Men:

If you already don’t have your hands on one of these ugly sweaters, you will now!

A Mets Man

A Mets man is the best kind of man. We’re not saying it out of bias, it’s just true. How cool is the city of New York captured in the baseball topped with the Mets name?! Insanely cool.

Another Mets Man

Another option to have a look at, this sweater is also perfect if you’re a Mets man. This one is better for the ones who like to keep it simple and to the point.

Basically, Mets

This is the perfect basic and minimal design for the man who shies away from color, but does not shy away from expressing his support!


The Mets deserve a bonus entry as well.

Light it up on Homerun!

This is the tackiest of all the ugly Mets sweaters! 

It’s perfect to wear to the game during winters or even if you watch it from home. 

Light up the home run on the sweater every time you see the team scoring one!

This brings us to the end of our collection; we just know you’re buying the last one if not more! 

Happy shopping and may your team be prosperous! 

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